Spring Break and Kick Boxing

My children are on Spring Break this week and when asked what they wanted to do they chose a long list of restaurants to eat at instead of activities. So being the crazy mom I am I put my menu for the week on hold and joined in the fun. It is Tuesday and my hands have been swollen since Monday from the rich salty food. How much longer is Spring Break?

Yesterday was IHOP a very enjoyable meal too and today was focused on Pizza. Do not worry I had fruit and veggies available and they were eaten. We still have Cook Out, Zaxby's and Chick-Fil-A on our list of places they want to eat. I am not sure I will survive this week!

Don't worry though I have one of my ingenious plans KICK BOXING! So I tried it Sunday night just the simple TEN Minute Solution series and I loved it. I felt great after those ten minutes other then a painful twinge in my left leg which is to be expected when you have a metal rod so I was pumped. Last night was a little harder ok a lot harder. I could not keep up which does not surprise me one bit but my body was still burning and drenched in sweat from trying to keep up so I was happy. Fast forward to right this minute after eating pizza and cake my legs feel like lead! My butt hurts when I walk and tingles when I sit. I think the kick boxing is kicking me back. I do not plan on giving up and I will let you know how that goes. I wonder if Cook Out has a low fat french fry option?


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