Hi, Hello beauty queen wave

My goal for this blog is to help knit together the somewhat chaotic moments of life, my life while providing useful insight for my readers. My life revolves around my five amazing children and my husband who I love very much. Our dog, our home, our finances and "what's for dinner?" will all be a part of this blog. I will share my shopping adventures and the amazing to me deals that I get with coupons. My flops and triumphs in the kitchen as well as the joys of potty training a three year old boy! I hope that I am able to enrich your life as I share mine. I will always be honest and am going to tell you right from the start I have never done this before so mistakes will be made but I am going to do my absolute best. I will leave you now and I hope you have a great rest to your day! What is next you ask? Dinner of course tonight I need to get a salad made before my vegetable become inedible!


  1. Fun that you are starting a blog! I have been blogging for a while now, even though it's usually only a few times a week. I'm adding your blog to my reader. My blog is http://abiandandy.com if you're interested. Oh and if you could change the comment options to include name/url as an option to leave comments with - I would love it! I can't seem to use openid with my blog profile. Thanks!


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