Notes from the coupon class

Last night I taught my second coupon class and it went great. I think I may be getting the hang of it and I know the prayer a lot of my friends and family were doing helped a lot. This class went much smoother then the first and actually took the full 2 hours. A lot of information was covered and a lot of great questions were asked. The questions I could not answer someone else attending the class could proving what I always say " everyone in the room knows something about coupons that I do not know". One thing I did realize is I really need to start writing down more information on the topics I want to cover in a class to keep it more stream lined so today's blog will be devoted to that. Maybe my next several blog posts will be devoted to that we will see just how long this takes. Consider this a personal class in couponing and enjoy the read.

Hoarding vs. Stockpiling

Just about everyone has watched the T.V. show Extreme Couponing and it seems that a lot of the feed back I am hearing is how much the people on the show seem to be hoarding rather then providing for their families. Couponing should be used for stockpiling not hoarding. When you stockpile you are building up a supply of everyday items that your family will use. I suggest building up a stockpile of 4 to 6 months worth of dried goods this includes toiletries, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, canned goods, dry pasta, rice, cereal and so on. You can also stock your freezer up with milk, cheese, bread, meat, frozen fruit and vegetables. Watch your expiration dates and keep your stockpile moving so that anything that needs to be used soon is at the front of your pantry, freezer and cabinet ready to get used up first.

Giving and Donating

There is always a need in every community and from Biblical times there have been people setting up organizations to help fill those needs. Your local food pantry, homeless shelter and church are an excellent resource for people in need and an excellent place for you to donate items too. As you get into the coupon groove you will find yourself with the ability to get free toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soaps and a large selection of food items with very little effort. Use some of that to give back to your community, to help families in need and to provide during times of crisis. If everyone gave a little it will help a lot so please take the time to do that.


Coupons seem to come in all shapes and sizes from a multitude of different sources and can be used in many different ways. There are internet printables, catalinas, store coupons ,manufacturer coupons and e-coupons. You can find them online, in the news paper, in magazines, at the store, on your receipt, from a clipping service and in the mail box. It is amazing that people are not using them more often but the truth is only a small percentage of coupons published are ever actually redeemed. I want to cover a few basics to help you get the most out of your coupons.
First printable internet coupons they are pretty much self explanatory and the first kind of coupon I really got into using. I check manufacturer web sites for printable coupons and I am a frequent visitor to where she has a fantastic printable coupon data base. I also like how has become a great coupon resource. You can click on my Coupon Resource page and find a long list of great web sites that offer printable coupons not only for grocery and house hold items but for your favorite retail stores and restaurants too.
Catalina's are a great coupon resource. When you are handed your receipt at stores like Target, Walgreens, Food Lion and many others pay attention. Many times you will get coupons that print out with your receipt called a Catalina. These are often high value coupons or are good for a freebie so save them and use them! Keep in mind that these coupons do expire so watch the date. Catalina's can be a store coupon or a manufacturer coupon so depending on the store policy you may be able to stack it with another coupon.

I will  need to stop right here and pick up on this again in my next blog. We are trying to clear our land on one side of our house and a trip to Lowe's is calling my name. Please feel free to ask me any questions that you might have I will either answer them in a reply or in my next post.


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