Commissary Coupon Policy
I wanted to take a moment to post the commissary coupon policy for all of my military readers. I also want to share a wonderful resource for both military and civilian couponers. If you have expired coupons or coupons that you know you will no be using before they expire please send them to Coups For Troops PO Box 147 Winnabow NC 28479 Troops stationed overseas can use coupons up to six months past the expiration date and would really appreciate your donation. I also wanted to point out that while the policy states you can not combine coupons on the purchase of an item I have been able to stack coupons with no problem at my commissary. This meaning I have used a coupon that is either a "Buy one get one free" or a "$ off on the purchase of two" and combined it with a "$ off on the purchase of one" coupon. Coupon Use In Commissaries Question Answer Do commissaries accept coup...