The domino effect of life changing prayer

Heard an interesting take on being the stay at home mom, homemaker, house wife whatever you prefer. Along with being the domestic diva, home economist, and the long list of side jobs that goes with being a wife and mother your role in life should also include being the anti-drama for your husband. Yes that is right the ANTI-DRAMA! I hadn't really thought about it. Ok yes I have but not in that respect, I had not thought about how I could be the anti-drama to my husbands day. It actually goes hand in hand with the post I wrote here.

 If he your husband works outside the home or inside the home he is already dealing with a great deal of drama. He gets to hear about the goings on in the life of his co-workers, he gets it from his boss, from the people he talks to on the phone. Your working spouse deals with drama all day every day at work.

When he comes home your job is to be the anti-drama. That peaceful calm that he looks forward to coming home to each day. Now sure your life will have drama you have kids, clogged toilets, flat tires and broken T.V.s to talk about. Let that moment he walks in the door be drama free. Take a deep breath hold back on the blasting of all that went wrong you can tell him later. Give him peace!

Sound hard? Sure does! So how do you do it? Find peace yourself! Ummm....
I know, I know visions of yoga poses have flashed through your head along with crazy children ripping your house apart as you have your zen moment. No I am not that crazy. I have a little trick.
I pray! No I do not just pray, I pray for peace DAILY!
 On days that I forget I can tell. So I make a point to take that minute to pray for peace. I also pray for a filling of God's love. My love is not enough no where near enough so I started to pray that God will fill me with His love for my spouse. After awhile and seeing a true change in the way I felt towards Brent I started praying that God would fill me with His love for my children. Wow what a change!

Lately I have added even more to that prayer now I pray that God would fill each of us our entire family with peace and love that He would give us family harmony and unity. I wrote it down just like that peace&love underneath in big letters FAMILY HARMONY! The unity is new. I want us to flow as a unit, to work as a unit. We are a team working together towards a common goal (to make it through the day!)so we need unity.

This morning during my prayer time I envisioned a tree, our family tree not as a normal tree with branches shooting out in all directions but as a tree with branches pointing in one direction straight up into a beam of sunlight. That boosted the prayer even more. I do not want the family unity to end as our children grow my prayer is that we are all set on the same path straight to the Son. Salvation for all my children. Then I saw the vines intertwining with the branches. I prayed for each of their spouses and their in-laws. A dynamic Christ filled spouse with Christ filled in-laws! What a wonderful way to start life as a married couple, what a wonderful blessing that would be for my children. Our destiny is to leave a lasting legacy. Our family tree will be strong in Christ. The families my children will marry into will come beside ours making us even stronger. I want something more for them, I want Christ to be the main focus the core of who we are as a family group and everyone who joins it over the years to come.

You see praying for peace so that you can be the anti-drama could lead to praying for love. Being filled with peace and love will change you to the point that you want that for your entire family. It will start the momentum rolling and you will yearn for family harmony, unity and the desire to leave a lasting ongoing impression a legacy for all the generations to come.

Give being the anti-drama a try you just might change your family tree in the process.


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