If your husband is deployed, please shut up, please shut up, please shut up!

This is a shout out to all the mamas and the papas, the sisters and the brothers, the lovers and the churches who post prayer requests online too!
Denial is not a river in Egypt so you cannot go through life thinking oh it will never happen to me, what you post online is seen by everyone! While the American military would appreciate your scaling back on the posts our enemies thank you for every little blurb you make concerning where your military heart throb might be. You've heard the song " every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you" yea the romantically creepy stalker song is being lived out on your facebook page. 
Let's say your husband gets orders to --- and you immediately post on facebook a picture of --- with "My <3 is in ---" over top of it. The chatter begins, pretty soon people all over the world know that someone you love is heading to --- very soon. Look I don't care where the hell you think your heart is, do us all a favor keep it in your chest where is belongs so that your husband and all the other husbands and wives, sons and daughters in that location can keep there's. Posting where your heart is immediately makes someone's heart in that location a target so just don't do it!
I get it trust me, I know this military wife life is scary as hell! You need help, support, prayer there are much better ways to ask for those things and you can do it without hash tagging your husbands location each and every single time. Don't post pictures of where he is at, don't holla every time he calls you, whatever you think you need to share just don't.
Make sure your parents understand this silence is golden rule too. Let me explain. Mom finds out son is deploying. First thing she does is buys a "my heart is in ---" bumper sticker making herself a target, not of violence, she is now a great person to watch for information. Mom is apt to spill the beans on the son she is so proud of and give away his location in a heartbeat to whoever is standing in line behind her at the grocery store. Next mom goes to church tells everyone everything and before you know it your husband is featured on the churches prayer and praise page along with his unit number and deploying location.
Protect your loved ones with every fiber of your being and keep your mouth shut about what they are doing and where they are going.
Military members not every spouse knows or understands just how important OPSEC is! So I suggest after you have been briefed about your upcoming deployment you go home to your wife, put your arms around her waist, pull her onto the bed and get real close. With your lips nestled in her hair right next to her ear whisper this "Baby if you love me and you think I'm sexy let me tell you about OPSEC, it's a real turn on." This may not be the intimate moment she was hoping for but it will be a briefing she will never forget!


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