
Showing posts from February, 2012

The domino effect of life changing prayer

Heard an interesting take on being the stay at home mom, homemaker, house wife whatever you prefer. Along with being the domestic diva, home economist, and the long list of side jobs that goes with being a wife and mother your role in life should also include being the anti-drama for your husband. Yes that is right the ANTI-DRAMA! I hadn't really thought about it. Ok yes I have but not in that respect, I had not thought about how I could be the anti-drama to my husbands day. It actually goes hand in hand with the post I wrote here.  If he your husband works outside the home or inside the home he is already dealing with a great deal of drama. He gets to hear about the goings on in the life of his co-workers, he gets it from his boss, from the people he talks to on the phone. Your working spouse deals with drama all day every day at work. When he comes home your job is to be the anti-drama. That peaceful calm that he looks forward to coming home to each day. Now sure your life w...

God wants us to THINK!

Read Haggai chapter 1 today and two warnings followed by a promise jumped off the page. Haggai 1:5 The Lord Almighty says "Give careful thought to your ways" Haggai 1:7 The Lord Almighty says " Give careful thought to your ways" Following the first warning was a list of what they had done for themselves that yielded little or no results. Following the second a list of what they should do to bring Honor to the house of the Lord. He, God our maker the creator of Heaven and Earth, is calling us to think! Think about what we are doing each day, every minute of every day. Do our actions honor Him? Do our words honor Him? Is He reflected in the lives we live? Are we living only to bring honor and glory to ourselves while our soul, our spiritual selves, the temple in which God the Holy Spirit resides lay in ruins? Then came the promise. Haggai 1:13 "I am with you" Declares the Lord! That declaration brings warm fuzzies to your soul. He is with you,...

Fast Forward all the way to 21

Yes we made it!  21 days in prayers, 21 days of reading the Bible, 21 days of fasting (for the most part)! It was not easy no not at all. It was nothing like I thought it would be. It was an experience that I do want to try again sooner rather then later! Reading the Bible and praying as a family on a daily basis is still happening. We did miss one day and honestly I felt it, like a missed conversation with your best friend. Today we only got in a couple minutes of Bible reading and prayer but the point is we did it. Maybe even more so the point is the kids asked for it. I liked that! I like that  they are in this with us holding us adults accountable. I too had started to carve out time to pray and read by myself each day during the committed 21 days. On the days I don't get to I feel like I am barely getting through the day. I hate myself and everyone else within hours of waking up and it pretty much sets my day up for complete destruction. So I need that time....