To The Mom Who Thinks She Is Doing It Wrong

To the mom who thinks she is doing it wrong,

Trust me, you are!

It does not matter if you are a first time mom, a mother of three, the mom going for number five, the quiver full mother of ten or perhaps fifteen with three sets of twins, you are doing it all wrong!
Who only has one child? That's selfish!
Why on earth did you have more then two? God only gave you two hands!
Five is too many, ten you must be crazy and fifteen means your uterus must be the equivalent of a clown car.
See, each one is clearly wrong.

The mother who vaccinated her herd just pumped poison into their bodies, she is doing it wrong.
The anti vac mom just put the entire preschool at risk, she is doing it wrong.
The selective and delayed vaccinators, well it serves them right if they get the flu, they are doing it wrong.
It doesn't matter how much research you do, the choices you make about vaccinations will be wrong. Each new case of measles, flu, Ebola, and autism spectrum disorder will somehow be linked to the horribly wrong decisions you have made.

The formula feeding mom is just too lazy to breast feed, she is doing it wrong.
The breast feeding mother is just showing off her milk swollen breasts, she is doing it wrong.
Make your own baby food, buy the jars off the shelf, only support organic non GMO baby food manufacturers... Wrong, wrong, wrong!
Someone is sure to have an opinion that your opinion on what is put into your baby's body is just wrong for them.

Mothers who use disposable diapers are filling the landfills with poop and chemicals, they are doing it wrong.
Those crunchy cloth diaper moms must have a lot of time ( and shit) on their hands, clearly they are doing it wrong.
Poop spelt backwards is poop and the long and short of it is you are cleaning it up wrong.

Public school, wrong!
Private school, those rich snobs, wrong!
Home school, do you live on a commune? Wrong!
Unschooled, who has even heard of that? Wrong!
No matter how your children are educated it is sure to be wrong.

The good news is there is no room for improvement, no chance to reconcile, you will never be right!!
For every wrong thing you do there are thousands of mothers around you who are equally wrong in their ways. There is no tried and true right way to bring up a baby, even if there was would we really want to do it? Would we give up our individual stance on every subject that has to do with being a mother just to be right? I sure wouldn't! My choices are mine so let me live them out wrong or not. I am not asking you to agree with me, I am asking you to support me in every wrong thing that I do. Motherhood should be a sisterhood of women who are bonded not in equal mindedness but in simply being mothers no matter how we chose to do it.
I am so tired of the daily snot storm of articles about all the right ways to be a parent that points out how everyone else is simple doing it wrong. This slipper slope of snotty articles do nothing but tear you apart and break you down unless you are part of that white blood vessel crowd along for the ride.
We are moms, we love our children, we believe we are doing our very best to raise them right and give them every opportunity to grow and thrive. The End. That's it. Nothing else should matter. Mothers should be supporting mothers and not sweating the small stuff that will not matter in twenty five years when all of those horrible choices we made yield a strong, independent, thriving young adult.

So to the mom who thinks she is doing it wrong, you are, but don't worry because so are we! Stand tall, be strong, hold on to what you believe in and support each other.
Thank you

                                   No tissues? No problem! I got this mom, carry on.


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